Reduce Food Waste

Here at Upcycled Grain Project we are all about finding simple and effective ways to reduce food waste in our everyday lives. We didn’t want to keep these tips to ourselves…
In the world of reducing waste, it can be very overwhelming with all the ‘do this’, ‘do that’ but were we come from is if you do one small thing in your life that is simple for you – you are helping!
Here are a few of our recent changes some of our team have been making in their lives:
That scary word … LEFTOVERS! 🍽
We know that not everyone enjoys having leftovers, but they’re one way to reduce food waste in your life. Some of our team make a larger dinner the night before to bring for lunch and this is a small change that also makes their life easier the next morning.
Smoothies 🥑 🍓🍌
A tip to reduce wasting your spinach and bananas. We place these into containers and store in the freezer, to place into smoothies. Top tip peel your bananas first!
Composting ♻️
Having an at home composting bin is a great way to reduce food waste! You can add this to soil to grow delicious herbs and vegetables. Even placing in your garden or indoor plants helps them to thrive.
Coffee Ground Exfoliator ☕️
This one is for the beauty and coffee lovers! We drink a lot of coffee in the office and at home – one way we reduce coffee ground waste is by keeping in a container and making into an exfoliator. All you need to do is mix ½ cup of sugar, ½ cup of coconut oil and ½ cup of your coffee grounds and put into a glass jar to use!
Not only making these small changes at home but also choosing to purchase sustainable, organic and upcycled foods (such as our products *hint hint*) is one way you can help businesses continue to help save the planet!