Keeping Fit and Healthy - Our Top Tips!!

Coming into the warmer season we focus on our health a lot more – exercising outdoors becomes easily available and there are more fresh vegetable and fruit varieties.
We’ve put together a wee guide to being mindful and healthy during this time.
As it gets warmer our bodies need more hydrating. This is because our bodies cool down through the natural process of sweating, which can result in dehydration. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water a DAY. This can seem daunting, but our top tip is to download an app that notifies you every hour to DRINK THAT WATER!!
Getting enough vegetables and of course fruits into your diet is super important. As summer rolls in we get introduced to some delicious fruits and vegetables and packing these into your meals is a great way to keep healthy!
We like to add spinach, avocados, boysenberries, and bananas to an afternoon smoothie – a healthy and delicious snack. Top Tip - you can even freeze your bananas and avocados to make a smoothie bowl and break some of our UP bars over the top for an extra crunch.
Check out the Green Kitchen Smoothies book the next time you’re in your local book shop. It’s filled with great recipes.
This is our favourite keep healthy tip. Getting enough sun is SUPER IMPORTANT. The sun helps our production of Vitamin D, supports bone health, lowers blood pressure, and helps to promote good mental health. Just make sure to slip, slop, slap before you head out and reapply!
Whatever you enjoy doing to get the body moving, make it a priority and you’ll being to notice the difference in your overall mind and body. Whether you take a stroll around your neighbourhood for 20 minutes, do an at home yoga work out, hit the gym for an hour or take a F45 class, whatever you need to do to get your blood pumping!
Our last top tip to keeping healthy and fit during summer is…. MEAL PREP.
We always seem to be rushing around a lot more during summer, events pop up, daylight savings begins, and we spend more time enjoying the outdoors. That is why prepping healthy, nutritious meals beforehand are a great way to keep on track.
Meal prepping on a Sunday sets you up for a fantastic week ahead and if you get stuck for snack ideas a tub of hummus and our crackers always do the trick!