Simple ways to be more Sustainable!!

Transitioning to a more sustainable lifestyle can be difficult and it takes time, that’s why we’ve put together some small and easy tips on how you can begin this change.
Grow your own herbs, fruit, and vegetables! Start small with a little window garden of your favourite herbs. Even keep the ends of your spring onion and place into a glass to begin growing before repotting. Small changes to waste less food are a step in the right direction. Get your starter kit here.
Change from a plastic scrubbing brush to a reusable – this small change can help you to eliminate one element of plastic in your life. Plus, they are aesthetically pleasing. Purchase one here.
Make sure to take your own bags when you go for your next shop. Top tip, as soon as you’ve unpacked them, put them back in the boot of your car. Makes it easier to remember for next time!
Head to your local farmers market, there are so many beautiful farmers markets that have delicious, fresh produce. Plus, they are usually almost half the price of supermarkets.
Up the BYO bags game by purchasing some reusable produce bags, so you can avoid the small plastic ones whilst getting your fruits and vegetables! Get yours here.
Purchasing second hand from places like Designer wardrobe, Facebook marketplace or your local op shop helps to reduce waste and unnecessary purchasing on fast fashion items.
Repurpose old clothes into rags for working on the car or cleaning the house. Old towels and blankets are great to donate to your local rescues as well!